tisdag 19 februari 2013


Hej igen!

Bloggen kommer mest bestå av länkar och inklistrade artiklar, många gånger är artiklarna översatta från kurdiska/arabiska osv.

Ska försöka att inte skriva speciellt mycket egna åsikter eftersom jag är partisk och oerfaren, dock lite förklaringar här å där kan dyka upp, tänk på att de bara är mina tankar om situationen.

Tänkte att jag ska publicera ett inlägg senare där jag har upp vårt PSC kontrakt och räknar på vad produktion kommer ge för vinster lite senare.

Just nu är händer de väldigt mycket politiskt i området. Bagdad och kurdistan är som ni vet oense om oljan och hur den ska skötas och av vem. Bagdad förlorar stora summor i förlorade intäkter varje dag KRGs kranar är avstängda, har sett siffror på 600-1000 miljoner $ om dagen.

En lösning behövs, KRG och bolagen i kurdistan tolkar konstitutionen som så att KRG har rätt att göra de de gör nu och även exportera olja, vinsten ska sedan delas med hela Irak.

En oljelag behövs för att företagen i området ska fä sin rätta värderingen.

Här följer ett gäng artiklar ang politiken, oljelag(HCL, hydrocarbon law) och annat som kan vara utav intresse.

Tänk på att vara kritiskt till dessa då nyheterna i irak är som de är, tex har president Talabani dött å återuppstått 3-4 gånger....

Shafaq News / 
A close to Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki described on Saturday, the relation between Baghdad and Erbil as didn’t stop and confirmed the existence of problems between the two parties and expected to have a bigger breakthrough soon. 

Article 140 


Parliamentary power: the formation of a joint committee of the central government and the Kurdistan region to solve the problem of oil companies 
17 February, 2013 05:59:00 

Revealed to the oil and energy parliamentary form a joint committee of the central government and the Kurdistan region to resolve the problem of the companies operating in the north. 
said committee member National Alliance MP Bahaa Aldin central government formed joint committees to draw a picture resolution of the crisis based on dues to companies operating in the region. He added that the joint committees will work according to the constitution and powers between the region and the center, along with another report revealed for the Financial Times that the Kuwait Energy Company, which signed a contract with the Iraqi government to develop the production area ninth in Basra, which rolls out licensing round fourth charge 6.24 dollars extra on the barrel in order to increase production. 


Attorney Al-Shara disclosed sought hard to put oil and gas law on the agenda of the Parliament after the adoption of the general budget 

Ali Salman-12/02/2013-10: 21 am | Hits: 40 

Oil and Energy Commission revealed in Parliament that it is hoped that the oil and gas Act reading first reading after the adoption of the general budget. 

Committee member Rep. block ' ULI in a press statement, Al-sharaa said, "there is a determined effort by the Committee on oil and energy representative to be oil and gas law on the agenda of the House of representatives after the adoption of the general budget. 

He hoped that the law was read in Parliament first reading after the adoption of the general budget of the country which is expected to be completed this week. 

Shara said: the oil and gas Act will end controversies and crises that arise periodically between the KRG and the Federal Government. 

Stressing that there should be coordination between the Federal Oil Ministry and Kurdistan regarding the export of oil.  

Shara expressed outrage at the remarks by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who said that the Kurdistan Regional Government, the export of oil, saying that the Iraqi people and the Iraqi State good messages sent around the world and in particular the States of the region and nearby.  

Adding, it would have been better in those States to respond to these messages likewise at least if not reply with the best of them.


United States sends 6 diplomats to resolve the crisis 


Author: The future of Iraq 

02/17/2013 12:00 am 

BAGHDAD / future Iraqi 
Political source revealed diplomatic determination of the U.S. delegation to come to Baghdad for meetings with the political blocs to exit solution to the existing crises. 
Said the source, who declined to be identified, for "Future of Iraq", he is scheduled to arrive delegation diplomatic component of six people - unnamed - to Baghdad next week, explaining that this delegation costly directly by the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to resolve the political crisis in Iraq. The source pointed out that it was due to meet leaders of the National Alliance, and the leaders of the Iraqi List, in order to reach a political consensus satisfies the parties, noting that there are arrangements with the United Nations and the British Embassy and the Turkish and Iranian in Baghdad to attend the final meeting expanded that makes all the political parties satisfaction location of the next stages. 

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