tisdag 19 februari 2013

Bagdad - Erbil

A call for the resumption of negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad

TUE, 19 FEB 2013 02:25 | Asharqalawsat


Arbil: preparing President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani to travel to Russia in the next few days at the official invitation extended to him, after the close consultations on the political crisis with Iraqi parties and Kurdish completion, where there seemed to be consensus Cordillera opening to the mediation efforts of religious authority Najaf to normalize relations Kurdish - Shiite, offset by an Iraqi consensus on holding the second conference of the national dialogue in Erbil to search for a way out of the political crisis ravaging the country.

Barzani had met the day before yesterday with the ministers and deputies of the Kurds in Baghdad to discuss with them about the position of the letter received block the National Alliance message Kurdish leadership, and exited presidency of the region yesterday reported the official on the points that have been discussed at the meeting received «Middle East» copy him; stating that «gathered renewed their support for the efforts of the President of the Kurdistan region's efforts to end the tensions, and asked him to continue those efforts in consultation with Iraqi political parties in order to lay the foundations for a democratic federal state institutional basis of the Constitution and the principles of true coexistence. The emphasis on the principle of consensus on the basis of the Erbil and other agreements between the political parties, and to accelerate legislation and implementation of laws needed to build the pillars of institutional State of Iraq Federal and correct path process of governance, and discussed prospects for the development of the situation in the region and how to handle them, and strengthen the mechanism of action of Representatives Kurds in Baghdad and enhance coordination between them, and to emphasize the unity of the speech of the people of Kurdistan, and everyone stressed the need to protect the unity and the position of the Kurdish political parties, and at the level of the Kurdistan Region, confirmed attendance to continue the reform process in the region.

In connection with the pro Tayyip spokesman Kurdistan Alliance bloc, who was present at the meeting, told «Middle East» that «the meeting was to consult on developments of the political situation in Iraq and the role Kurdish where, and confirmed the parties involved to meet its full support for the efforts of President of the Region in relation to to call a national dialogue conference in Erbil and progress the initiative in this regard, particularly as the skies seem so encouraging. He revealed good for a call by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to head the Government of the Territory Barzani to visit Baghdad to resume negotiations pending between the two governments on outstanding issues, and said: «We discussed at the meeting invitation to the Prime Minister, has been delegated by choosing the right time of the visit, and whether he would go himself or sends delegates with him to Baghdad to resume dialogue on outstanding issues; including oil contracts and oil and gas law, and budget of the Peshmerga, and the problem of the disputed areas, and other outstanding problems, where showed the Federal Government readiness this time to respond to the demands of Kurdish, especially as the situation in Iraq did not longer afford further confrontations between the political blocs core.

On the National Congress expected in Erbil made Rose Nuri Shaways, leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, who attended the meeting Barzani also, statements to the newspaper «Rudaw» Kurdish which he said that «Barzani is currently seeking to collect Iraqi parties to the negotiating table in Erbil to discuss together on ways to address the current crisis, and al-Maliki to attend the conference or meeting. Said Shaways: «We have proposed in our meeting with Barzani to send a delegation from the Government of the Territory to Baghdad to meet with Maliki, who is supposed to come is also to Erbil to participate in the conference to be held by the end of the month if he considered himself prime minister of Iraq all».

7 kommentarer:

  1. Outzip här: Of topic...

    Vet inte om det bara hos mig, men du har vit bakgrund. Riktigt jobbigt att läsa när den vita skenen bränner ögonen.

    DEtta du gör uppskattas;)

    1. Tjena out! Nej inte OT :) Vill ha era synpunkter så de blir så bra som möjligt detta.

      Bättre me denna layouten?

  2. Outzip: Ja absolut:) skonsammare iaf:) TACK!!

  3. Nej. funkar inte så bra på AJfånen tyvärr...får nöja mig med den stationära.

    Mvh Outzip

    1. Ok. Vill få de bra på ajfånen också, jag surfar själv alltid från ajfån..

      Vad problemet? Är de ljuset? Dra ner ljusstyrkan så blir de mycke behagligare å sparar batteri ;)

      Är de problem med texten också?

    2. Nu sitter jag framför datorn igen.

      Ajfån: Hemsidan anpassar ej sig efter skärmen, men om man bara skall läsa så är det drägligt och inget att klaga på:)
      Men om jag skall kommentera så hakar det upp sig efter några meningar och det låser upp sig och man får stänga ner sidan och starta igen.

      Ipad: Att läsa info du lägger ut INGA problem! Men precis som Ajfånen, så hakar det upp sig vid skrivningen och man får stänga ner sidan och börjar om igen.

      Stationär: Ja...du ser ju:) funkar super.

      Hoppas detta hjälper;)

      Once again...TACK För allt
