Vill understryka att ta alla artiklar med en stor nypa salt som sagt tidigare å inte hoppa in i aktien pga att de säger att oljelagen ska klubbas. Den har vart på tapeten i 7-8 år utan att se har kommit överrens, de som talar för KRG är att de håller på å bygger pipelinenen, när den är klar och om en oljelag inte är på plats än kommer KRG exportera sin egen olja till turkiet och få betalt, och därigenom bli mindre beroende av Bagdad som nu bidrar med 17% av Iraks budget till kurdistan.
En annan fördel är att de stora oljebolagen, speciellt Exxon, har gått till kurdistan och nobbat södra irak. Exxon hade ett möte med iraks PM maliki där de förmodligen fick ett erbjudande om ett sockrat kontrakt i södra Irak. Dagen efter flög Exxons vd till Schweiz där han hade möte med KRGs Barzani.
Efter dessa möten har artiklar om att Exxon börjat sätta upp camps i kurdistan kommit upp.
Men som sagt, inget är klart förräns de är påskrivet och meddelat officiellt ang oljelag eller nåt annat.
Parliament reveals a secret deal between Baghdad and Kurdistan to pass the oil and gas law
A member of the Committee on Energy and Oil National Alliance MP Awad al-Awadi, the existence of a secret agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government on the adoption of the law of oil and gas service to the reality of the Kurdish oil.
Awad said Al-Awadi (of the Agency news) said on Monday that the objections submitted to the oil and gas law before it becomes a political art, which led to obstruction and not approved by the House of Representatives, and is intended to benefit the party at the expense of the other.
He said there was a secret agreement held between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government on the adoption of oil and gas law for giving full power to the local government, noting that his committee as a legislative and regulatory refuses to strongly pass a law is subject to the courtesies of political at the expense of people's interest, without revealing the form deal.
Financial: delay in approving the budget, significantly affect the investment budget
Danica -11/02/2013-1: 42 pm | Hits: 37
The parliamentary Finance Committee, stressed that the delay in the adoption of the general budget for 2013 would impact heavily on investment budget will be allowed to spend any money belonging to the resources involved.
Committee member MP Faleh Sari for daily "Alalam" law of the Ministry of finance and public debt a clear question wizards delay adoption of the country's general budget to the operating budget and will not affect delay approval until the month of June were delayed while the service and infrastructure projects are affected by the delays.
And the effect that failure to pass the budget would mean the inability of ministries and local governments to spend even a single dinar for any reason so this process will impact on the provision of services and infrastructure projects will not allocate funds from previous budgets.
He is a member of the Finance Committee that "budget debate in Parliament interrupted by political concern intersections between the blocks where not completed twenty items of discussion although Parliament abolished the legislative recess in order to update and it resolved before nhayha January.
Danica -11/02/2013-1: 42 pm | Hits: 37
The parliamentary Finance Committee, stressed that the delay in the adoption of the general budget for 2013 would impact heavily on investment budget will be allowed to spend any money belonging to the resources involved.
Committee member MP Faleh Sari for daily "Alalam" law of the Ministry of finance and public debt a clear question wizards delay adoption of the country's general budget to the operating budget and will not affect delay approval until the month of June were delayed while the service and infrastructure projects are affected by the delays.
And the effect that failure to pass the budget would mean the inability of ministries and local governments to spend even a single dinar for any reason so this process will impact on the provision of services and infrastructure projects will not allocate funds from previous budgets.
He is a member of the Finance Committee that "budget debate in Parliament interrupted by political concern intersections between the blocks where not completed twenty items of discussion although Parliament abolished the legislative recess in order to update and it resolved before nhayha January.
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